How to Resize a Wedding Ring

Wedding bands are meant to be worn for a lifetime, but sometimes changes in weight or improper sizing can make a once-perfect ring feel uncomfortable. Luckily, resizing a wedding ring is a simple process that most jewellery stores offer.

The most common methods of resizing wedding rings include adding or removing metal, using sizing beads or assistants, and stretching or compressing the ring. However, some types of rings such as eternity bands, channel settings, or ornate rings may have limitations to resizing due to their design.

Determining the proper fit is crucial in avoiding the need for resizing. A properly fitted ring should fit snugly but still allow some movement, and should not slide over the knuckle without resistance. Visual signs of an ill-fitting ring include redness, swelling, or indentations on the skin. Using a size guide or consulting with an experienced jeweller can help ensure the correct size.

Overall, resizing a wedding ring is a common and simple process with options for most types of rings. However, proper fit from the start is the best way to avoid the need for resizing and ensure comfort for years to come.

How a Ring Should Fit

A ring should fit snugly but comfortably on the finger and should slide on and off easily. It’s important to take into account the temperature of the fingers since fingers can expand or shrink depending on factors like weather or physical activity.

To check whether a ring fits well, try putting it on and off a few times to see if it slides on and off easily without feeling too loose or tight. If the ring feels too tight, it can cause discomfort and possibly restrict blood flow. Conversely, if the ring is too loose, it can slip off the finger and increase the risk of losing the ring.

If a ring needs to be adjusted, jewellers can add a sizing assistant on the interior of the ring for minor adjustments. However, rings can typically only be increased or decreased up to two sizes. It’s important to consult with an experienced jeweller to ensure that the resizing process is done correctly and that the ring maintains its integrity and design.

In summary, a ring should fit snugly and comfortably on the finger without being too loose or too tight. If a ring needs to be resized, it’s essential to consult with an experienced jeweller and to take into account the limitations of how much a ring can be adjusted.

Type of Rings That Can Be Resized

When it comes to resizing rings, not all types of rings can be adjusted. Rings made of metals like silver, gold, or platinum can usually be worked with and resized with relative ease. However, a full eternity band cannot be resized due to its continuous row of stones. Resizing such a band can disrupt the placement of the stones and damage the ring’s overall design.

On the other hand, rings made of tungsten and titanium are more difficult to resize. These metals are incredibly durable and difficult to manipulate, which means resizing can be a challenge. In some cases, a jeweller may need to add additional metal to resize a tungsten or titanium ring, which can increase material costs and weight gain.

When it comes to resizing rings, it’s important to consider the type of metal the ring is made from. While silver, gold, and platinum can usually be resized, full eternity bands, tungsten, and titanium rings may present more challenges. Whether a ring needs minor adjustments or a more permanent solution, it’s important to consult with an experienced jeweller and weigh the pros and cons of the resizing process.

Resizing a Ring Down vs. Up

Resizing a ring is a common practice in the jewellery industry. There are differences between resizing a ring down and resizing it up. Resizing a ring downwards costs less as no additional material is required. This is because a professional jeweller can simply cut out the excess material and polish the resized ring to make sure it looks like new.

Resizing a ring upwards is more complicated and might increase the overall cost of the process. If a ring needs to be sized up, a jeweller may need to add extra metal to increase its size. This can be costly depending on the type of metal and style of the ring. Extra metal may need to be added in the form of metal balls, bars, or sizing beads. It’s a common mistake to assume that all rings can be resized, therefore, it’s important to check with an experienced jeweller first.

In conclusion, resizing a ring down is typically cheaper and easier than sizing up. While adding extra metal can increase the size of a ring, it could also affect the original look and weight of the ring. It’s always important to consult with a professional jeweller to assess whether resizing your ring is feasible.

How Can I Really Tell If My Ring is Too Small?

Wearing an ill-fitting ring can be uncomfortable and potentially cause health concerns. Here are some signs that your ring may be too small and in need of resizing.

Firstly, if you struggle to remove your ring, it may be too tight. Additionally, if you notice a ring muffin top or the skin bulging over the top of the ring, it’s a clear sign that the ring is too small. You may also experience ring pain, especially when the ring is bumped or when you try to move it.

Another sign that your ring is too small is when you find it difficult to turn the ring on your finger. If your fingers start to appear paler than normal, this is also a sign that the ring is too tight and restricting blood flow.

It’s important to know these symptoms to prevent potential health concerns. If you experience any of these signs, it’s recommended to consider resizing your ring to ensure a comfortable, secure fit. Speak to us today if you think your wedding ring is the wrong size for your finger and we can organise a quick and professional resizing.